Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

war·fare (wôr'fâr')

1.) The waging of war against an enemy; armed conflict.

2.) Military operations marked by a specific characteristic: guerrilla warfare; chemical warfare.

3.) A state of disharmony or conflict; strife: constant spousal warfare in the household.

4.) Acts undertaken to destroy or undermine the strength of another: political warfare.


Pastor Mike has started a series on spiritual warfare, which is awesome because it relates to my fast that I have chosen as well. Part of the reason that I am fasting is to do spiritual warfare for my children, who at this point are struggling, each in their own way. I realize they do not fully comprehend the battle that we are in against the enemy of our souls, and as their mom I am going to do what I again to fight the good fight for them and stand in the gaps for them through prayer. I am going to post some of those prayers on here, and I encourage anyone who has children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or any child in their lives to also begin praying daily for them. As I was watching Jentezen Franklin this morning, he spoke of how one should not be surprised if things actually get worse during the fast and troubles abound. He spoke of how when one fasts, it agitates the devil and he may "attack" more. I have already seen him do this in the past week in my youngest daughter's life, but I am not standing down. I am taking the full armor of God and I am prepared to fight, with faith, with my God leading the way!! Satan is after the next generation and he wants nothing more than to destroy my children's lives, but I will fight the good fight and may God have His way within my children;s lives. May they realize who their Savior is, strive to live their lives for Him and serve Him always!!!

1 comment:

Bev said...

This was also a cool series on Spiritual Warfare.