Sunday, January 31, 2010

Staying Attracted to Holiness and Purity

Dear Lord,
I pray that You would fill each of my children and grand children with a love for You that surpasses their love for anything or anyone else. Help them to respect and revere Your laws and understand that they are there for their own benefit. May they clearly see that when Your laws are disobeyed , life does not work. Hide Your Word in each of their hearts so that there is no attraction to sin. I pray they will run from evil, from impurities, from unholy thoughts, words and deeds and that they will be drawn toward whatever is pure and holy. Let Christ be formed in them and cause them to seek the power of Your Holy Spirit to enable them to do what is right.
You have said in Your Word, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8) May a desire for holiness that comes from a pure heart be reflected in all that they do. Let it be manifested in their appearance as well. I pray that the clothes they wear and the way they style their hair and the way they choose to adorn their body and face will reflect a reverence and a desire to glorify You, Lord.
Where they have strayed from the path of holiness, bring them to repentance and work Your cleansing power in their hearts and lives. Give them understanding that to live in purity brings wholeness and blessing, and that the greatest reward for it is seeing You.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"--Stormie Omartian)


Psalm 24:3-5 (Amplified Bible)
3)Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place?
4)He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully.(A)
5)He shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

2 Timothy 2:20-21 (Amplified Bible)
20)But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also [utensils] of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble [use] and some for menial and ignoble [use].
21)So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.

John 15:2 (Amplified Bible)
Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit.

Isaiah 35:8-10 (Amplified Bible)
8)And a highway shall be there, and a way; and it shall be called the Holy Way. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for the redeemed; the wayfaring men, yes, the simple ones and fools, shall not err in it and lose their way.
9)No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk on it.
10)And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Proverbs 30:12 (Amplified Bible)
There is a class of people who are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not washed from their own filth.

Do You See Your Calling?

Romans 1:1 (Amplified)
FROM PAUL, a bond servant of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) called to be an apostle, (a special messenger) set apart to [preach] the Gospel (good news) of and from God,

As Christ followers one of our characteristics should be to pursue a holy walk, but our main goal should be to proclaim the good news of the gospel. The whole main reality of life should be all about the redemption story, not heaven, hell, good, or bad, but what redemption is all about. As Christians we must come to terms with this and realize that our holy characteristics all stem from redemption, and if we place our faith in human standards then we will fall apart when the tests of life come our way. If we keep our eyes on ourselves or on worldly things it will only get in the way of the complete reality of redemption. We should not get caught up in ourselves, but let God separate us out and work on our hearts. We need to get our eyes off our characteristics, and set our eyes on spreading the good news to those who need to hear. We must come as Paul, and become totally abandoned, utterly surrendered, and living for one purpose--to spread the good news of the gospel.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The World has lost its Flavor

"Each day you leave your home to go into a dark, tasteless world, you can be the light and flavor it needs. You can bring joy to your workplace by being determined to consistently have a godly attitude. Through simple things like being thankful rather than complaining like most people do, being patient, merciful, quick to forgive offenses, kind and encouraging. Even simply smiling and being friendly is a way to bring flavor into a tasteless society."

"The Love Revolution"
Joyce Meyer
FaithWords Edition 2009

Learning to Speak Life

Dear Lord,
I pray that each of my children and grand children will choose to use speech that glorifies You. Fill their hearts with Your Spirit and Your truth so that what overflows from their mouths will be words of life and not death. Convict them of their use of bad language dear Jesus. Put a monitor over each of their mouths so that every temptation to use profane, negative, cruel, hurtful, uncaring, unloving, or compassionless language would pierce their spirit and make them feel extremely uncomfortable. I pray that obscene or foul language would be so foreign to them that if words like that ever do find their way through their lips, they would become like gravel in their mouth and they would be repulsed by it. Help each of them to hear themselves so that words don't come out carelessly or thoughtlessly.
Keep them from being snared by the words of their mouth. You have promised that "whosoever guards their mouth and tongue keeps their soul from trouble." (Proverbs 21:24) Help them to put a guard over their mouth and keep far away from adversity. Your Word says that , "death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21) May each of them speak life and not death. May they be quick to listen and slow to speak so that their speech will always be seasoned with grace. Equip them to know how, what, and when to speak to anyone in any situation. Enable them to always speak words of hope, health, encouragement, and life, and to resolve that their mouth will not sin.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent--Stormie Omartian)


Psalm 19:14 (Amplified Bible)
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, impenetrable] Rock and my Redeemer.

Matthew 12:35 (Amplified Bible)
The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things.

Matthew 12:36-37 (Amplified Bible)
36)But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.
37)For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.

Proverbs 16:24 (Amplified Bible)
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body.

Proverbs 12:18 (Amplified Bible)
There are those who speak rashly, like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

How Could Someone So Persecute Jesus!

Acts 26:14 (Amplified Bible)
And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice in the Hebrew tongue saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do you continue to persecute Me [to harass and trouble and molest Me]?

We need to take a moment and ask ourselves...are we really living with the intentions of following God's will in our lives, or are we more in tune with our own will? We must take serious inventory in how we do things. Every time we are hard headed, strong willed, obstinate or self-invested, we are hurting and prosecuting Jesus. We must stop demanding things are done our way, and stop insisting on things to happen the way WE want them to. We grieve the Holy Spirit when this happens, when we choose to rely on our own self respect, and demand it to be our way. When we finally come to fully understand that the one we are persecuting is Jesus, "it is the most crushing revelation ever." We can never be free from the "me, me, me" trap until we experience the baptism of the "Holy Spirit and fire." (Matthew 3:11 (Amplified Bible)
I indeed baptize you in (with) water because of repentance [that is, because of your changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins]. But He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.)
Are we letting the Words of God truly penetrate our hearts, and make a difference in our lives? Or do we say one thing and our lives portray something completely different? We can preach and preach all we want, but if our lives are completely opposite, it is not only harming those around us, it is ultimately persecuting our Savior. All that we do should be done in a oneness with God, not based on selfish ambition. Jesus is focused on one thing, and that is the spirit of oneness. His Word tells us,"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29). No matter what happens, or what people do, we could be used by others, forgotten or ignored, but it should not matter...we need to always submit to Him, and while living our daily lives, we must make sure that Christ is not persecuted.

("My Utmost for His Highest"--Oswald Chambers)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love Revolution

"Love must be more than a theory or a word; it has to be ACTION! It must be seen and felt. God is Love!! Love is and has always been HIS idea. He came to love us, to teach us how to love Him, and to teach us how to love ourselves and others....... You must not wait to see what someone else chooses to do, and you dare not wait to see if the movement becomes poplular! This is something you must decide for yourself, a commitment you alone must choose to make. Ask yourself: "Will I continue being a part of the problem, or will I be part of the answer?" I have decided to be part of the answer!! Love will be the central theme of my life!!"

"The Love Revolution"
Joyce Meyer
FaithWords Edition 2009

Identifying God- Given Gifts and Talents

Dear Lord,
I thank You for the gifts and talents You have placed in each of my children and grand children. I pray that You would develop them in each of them and use them for Your glory. Make them apparent to me and to them, and show me specifically if there is any special nurturing, training, learning experience, or opportunities that I should provide for them. May their gifts and talents be developed in Your way and in Your time.
Your Word says, " Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them." (Romans 12:6) As they recognize the talents and abilities You have given them, I pray that no feelings on inadequacy, fear, or uncertainty will keep them from using them according to Your will. May each of them hear the call You have on their life so that they don't spend a lifetime trying to figure out what it is or miss it altogether. Let their talents never be wasted, watered down by mediocrity, or used to glorify anything or anyone other that You, Lord.
I pray that You would reveal to them what their life work is to be and help them excel in it. Bless the work of their hands, and may they be able to earn a good living doing the work that they love and do best. Your Word says, "A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." (Proverbs 18:16) May whatever they do find favor with others and be well received and respected. But most of all, I pray the gifts and talents You placed in each of them be released to find their fullest expression in glorifying You.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy Name,

(Prayer and Scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"--Stormie Omartian)


Romans 11:29 (Amplified Bible)
For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]

Ephesians 4:7 (Amplified Bible)
Yet grace (God's unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ's [rich and bounteous] gift.

1 Peter 4:10 (Amplified Bible)
As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God's many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor].

James 1:17 (Amplified Bible)
Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse].

1 Corinthians 1:4-7 (Amplified Bible)
4)I thank my God at all times for you because of the grace (the favor and spiritual blessing) of God which was bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
5)[So] that in Him in every respect you were enriched, in full power and readiness of speech [to speak of your faith] and complete knowledge and illumination [to give you full insight into its meaning].
6)In this way [our] witnessing concerning Christ (the Messiah) was so confirmed and established and made sure in you
7)That you are not [consciously] falling behind or lacking in any special spiritual endowment or Christian grace [the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating in your souls by the Holy Spirit], while you wait and watch [constantly living in hope] for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and [His] being made visible to all.

Look Again and Consecrate

Matthew 6:30 (Amplified Bible)
But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith?

We make everything so complicated, when Jesus, just IS, He makes things very simple. How do we slow down and take time to understand the simplicity of God so that we can more easily connect with Him. We become more simple through the Holy Spirit, by obeying Him, taking time to fully give ourselves to Him, by seeing Him in everything and by always relying on Him in all areas of our life. Jesus wants us to contemplate this: "If God so clothes the grass of the field....will He not much more surely clothe you?" But we need to stay in tune with Him, stay on track and keep Him front in our relationship with Him. We tend to lose ground in our relationship with Him if we take matters into our own hands, and if we "let the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches come in", (Matthew 13:22). When this happens we forget about what is the best thing for us and we lose sight of the "much more" that God has for us.
Matthew 6:26 (Amplified Bible) Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? Birds are creatures of the air, relying on the instincts God placed within them, while He looks after them. He also has placed His Holy Spirit within us, to be our "instinct" and to help guide the way. If we will just stay in tune with Him and obey His commands, He will look after us as well.
Matthew 6:28 (Amplified Bible) And why should you be anxious about clothes? Consider the lilies of the field and learn thoroughly how they grow; they neither toil nor spin. Lillies grow where God plants them; how many of us can say we grow where God plants us? Instead we think we know what is best and we wander around, never taking root anywhere. We need to just obey Him, take root, and He will take care of us. Did Christ lie to us in these verses? Are we experiencing the "much more" that is proclaimed there? If we aren't, then it is because we have chosen not to stay grounded in God and are letting the cares and worries of this world monopolize our thoughts. We need to stop wasting time on thoughtless things, and focus completely on God. We need to focus on consecrating ourselves. "Consecration is the act of continually separating myself from everything except that which God has appointed me to do. It is not a one-time experience but an ongoing process. Am I continually separating myself and looking to God every day of my life?"

(My Utmost for His Highest- Oswald Chambers)

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Love Revolution

I take up compassion and surrender my excuses.
I stand against injustice.
and commit to live out simple acts of God's love.
I refuse to do nothing. This is my resolve.

("The Love Revolution"-Joyce Meyer)

Instilling the Desire to Learn

Dear Lord,
I pray that each of my children and grand children will have a deep reverence for You and Your ways. May they hide Your Word in their hearts like a treasure, and seek after understanding like silver or gold. Give them a good mind, a teachable spirit, and an ability to learn. Instill in them a desire to attain knowledge and skill, and may they have joy in the process. Above all, I pray that they will be taught by You, for Your Word says that when our children are taught by You they are guaranteed peace. You have also said, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7) May they never be a fool and turn away from learning, but rather may they turn to You for the knowledge they need.
I pray that each of them will respect the wisdom of their parents and be willing to be taught by them. May they also have the desire to be taught by the teachers You bring into their lives. Handpick each one Lord, and may they be godly people from whom they can easily learn. Take out of their lives any teacher who would be an ungodly influence or create a bad learning experience. Let them find favor with their teachers and have good communication with them. Help them to excel in school and do well in any classes they may take. Make the pathways of learning smooth and not something with which they must strain and struggle. Connect everything in each of their brains the way it is supposed to be so that they have clarity of thought, organization, good memory, and strong learning ability.
I say to them according to Your Word, "Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge." (Proverbs 23:12) "May the Lord give you understanding in all things." (II Timothy 2:7) Lord, enable them to experience the joy of learning more about You and Your world.

I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and Scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)


Isaiah 54:13 (Amplified Bible)
And all your [spiritual] children shall be disciples [taught by the Lord and obedient to His will], and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children.

Proverbs 1:5 (Amplified Bible)
The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and the person of understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel [so that he may be able to steer his course rightly]--

Hosea 4:6 (Amplified Bible)
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.

Proverbs 4:13 (Amplified Bible)
Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.

Proverbs 2:1-5 (Amplified Bible)
1)MY SON, if you will receive my words and treasure up my commandments within you,
2)Making your ear attentive to skillful and godly [a]Wisdom and inclining and directing your heart and mind to understanding [applying all your powers to the quest for it];
3)Yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding,
4)If you seek [Wisdom] as for silver and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures,
5)Then you will understand the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of [our omniscient] God.

Leave Room for God

When it pleased God . . . —Galatians

One thing that is very hard to do at times is to be patient and wait for God. We plan and we predict and we do and do and do, but we need to stop and make "elbow room" for God, and let Him move when He chooses to do so. We can always depend on Him to show up, but we should not sit around and predict how He is going to do things. We need to "stay on our toes" and watch for Him, but do not predict or watch for Him to come in a certain way that pleases ourselves. How awesome it will be if we stop predicting and see how great it is when He shows up in a whole new way we never anticipated, but how everything turned out so much better because of it!! God is a mysterious God and can surprise us at any moment, and often we miss this fascinating characteristic about Him. We go along plodding and wondering, when....BAM...there He is, meeting us just where we need Him, not on our time schedule, but Just when He pleased. The most important thing we can do is to constantly keep ourselves in touch with God, so that His power can break through into our lives as He sees fit. "Live in a constant state of expectancy, and leave room for God to come in as He decides."

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Having the Motivation for Proper Body Care

Dear Lord,
I lift up my children and grand children to You and ask that You would place in each of them a desire to eat healthy food. I know that throughout their life they will be tempted to make poor food choices and eat that which brings death instead of life. Help them to understand what is good for them and what is not, and give them a desire for food that is healthy. Let them be repulsed or dissatisfied with food that is harmful.
I pray that they will be spared from all eating disorders in any form. By the authority given me in Jesus' Christ (Luke 10:19), on these children's behalf, I say "No to anorexia", "No to bulimia", "No to food addiction", "No to overeating", "No to starvation diets", "No to any kind of unbalanced eating habits". Lord, Your Word says, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) Help them to see the truth about the way they are to live, so that they can be set free from unhealthful habits. I pray that along with the desire to eat properly, You would give them the motivation to exercise regularly, to drink plenty of pure water, and to control and mange stress in their lives by living according to Your Word. Whenever they struggle in any of these areas, may they turn to You and say, "Teach me Your ways, O Lord" (Psalm 27:11). Give each of them a vision of their body as the temple of Your Holy Spirit.
I pray that they will value the body You have given them and desire to take proper care of it. May they not be critical of it, nor examine themselves through the microscope of public opinion and acceptance. I pray that they will not be bound by the lure of fashion magazines, television, or movies which try to influence them with an image of what they say they should look like. Enable each of them to say, "Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things." (Psalm 119:37) Help them to see that what makes a person truly attractive is Your Holy Spirit living in them and radiating outward. May they come to understand that true attractiveness begins in the heart of one who loves God. Establish Your vision of health and attractiveness in their hearts this day, and permanently instill in them the desire to take proper care of their body because it is the temple of Your Holy Spirit.

I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (Amplified Bible)
19)Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own,
20)You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body.

1 Corinthians 3:17 (Amplified Bible)
If anyone [a]does hurt to God's temple or corrupts it [[b]with false doctrines] or destroys it, God will [c]do hurt to him and bring him to the corruption of death and destroy him. For the temple of God is holy (sacred to Him) and that [temple] you [[d]the believing church and its individual believers] are.

Romans 12:1 (Amplified Bible)
I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.

Romans 13:14 (Amplified Bible)
But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah), and make no provision for [indulging] the flesh [put a stop to thinking about the evil cravings of your physical nature] to [gratify its] desires (lusts).

1 Corinthians 10:31 (Amplified Bible)
So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God.

God’s Overpowering Purpose

Acts 26:16 (Amplified Bible)
But arise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, that I might appoint you to serve as [My] minister and to bear witness both to what you have seen of Me and to that in which I will appear to you,

When Paul had the vision on the road to Damascus, it was not just a vision, but a clear direction from God as to what He expected of Paul. Paul stated in Acts 26:19, " I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision". God makes it clear that, as with Paul, we also are to have one end, one aim, and one purpose, and that is to do it God's way. In John 15:16, God tells us, "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing.." When we become Christians and strive to have a close spiritual walk with God, we tend to have visions of what God wants us to be or to do. It is important to follow in Paul's footsteps and say, "I will not be disobedient to the heavenly vision." The most important aspect in our lives should be striving everyday to have a close relationship with our Creator. God wants us to be His representatives in this fallen world. We can have all the head knowledge about Christ that we can possibly attain, but without the close relationship with Him, it is only pointless and void. We must stand, every day, devoted to Christ, not only to a "cause", but totally and completely to Him, and only Him!! I challenge each person who reads this to memorize this verse:
1 Corinthians 2:2 (Amplified Bible)
For I resolved to know nothing (to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of nothing, and to be conscious of nothing) among you except Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and Him crucified.

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Enjoying a life of Health and Healing

Dear Lord,
Because You have instructed us in Your Word that we are to pray for one another so that we may be healed. I pray for healing and wholeness for my children and grand children. I pray that sickness and infirmity will have no place or power in their lives. I pray for protection against any disease which has come into their bodies. Your Word says, " He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction." (Psalm 107:20) Wherever there is disease, illness, or infirmity in their bodies, I pray Lord that You would touch them with Your healing power and restore them to total health.
Deliver each of them from any destruction or injury that could come upon them. Specifically, I ask You to heal Jazmin from the thrush in her mouth, and for others who have been dealing with emotional and mental issues. I pray Lord that You will give the Dr's wisdom and full knowledge of the best way to proceed if need be on behalf of these concerns or any others that may come up.
Thank You Lord that You suffered and died for us so that we might be healed. I lay claim to that heritage of healing which You have promised in Your Word and provided for those who believe. I look to You for a life of health, healing and wholeness for these children.
I ask all of this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"- Stormie Omartian)


Isaiah 53:5 (Amplified Bible)
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.

James 5:16 (Amplified Bible)
Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

Malachi 4:2 (Amplified Bible)
But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy.

1 Peter 2:22-24 (Amplified Bible)
22)He was guilty of no sin, neither was deceit (guile) ever found on His lips.(A)
23)When He was reviled and insulted, He did not revile or offer insult in return; [when] He was abused and suffered, He made no threats [of vengeance]; but he trusted [Himself and everything] to Him Who judges fairly.
24)He personally bore our sins in His [own] body on the tree [a][as on an altar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.

Isaiah 58:8 (Amplified Bible)
Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard

Transformed by Beholding

2 Corinthians 3:18 (Amplified Bible)
And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.

What are you doing to be a "mirror" for God? The most important aspect of being a Christian is to become so open before God and so in tune to His bidding, that your whole life becomes a "mirror" for those around you. When we are led by the Holy Spirit we shine His light into the world and become "mirrors" or representatives for Him. When you are walking in a close relationship with Jesus and doing what He wants you to do, your life begins to mirror those characteristics of Him. We need to always be on guard for the things that will come along and "tarnish" or "scratch" our mirrors. Even things that come along that appear good, but if not what God intended, can still tarnish it because it is not what was best. There are so many things that can come along and tarnish it, such as getting caught up in the busyness of life, work, families, worrying about clothes or food...etc. Our number one focus should always be keeping ourselves open before God, constantly aware of who He is, keeping ourselves pure spiritually through and through. Colossians 3:3 (Amplified Bible)
For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. Let things come and go as they will, let people think what they want to think about you, but always keep yourself "hidden in Christ". Never, ever let your life get so bogged down with worldly things that you don't have time to spend with God. It is so easy to get caught up in life's ups and downs, and satan will use everything he can to distract us. "The most difficult lesson of the Christian life is learning how to continue "beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord . . . ."

(My Utmost for His Highest"- Oswald Chambers)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Following Truth, Rejecting Lies

Dear Lord,
I pray that You will fill each of my children and grand children with Your Spirit of truth. Give them each a heart that loves truth and follows after it, rejecting all lies as a manifestation of the enemy. Flush out anything in them that would entertain a lying spirit and cleanse them from any death that has crept in as a result of lies they may have spoken or thought. Help them to understand that every lie gives the devil a piece of their heart, and into the hole that's left comes confusion, death, and separation from Your presence. Deliver them from any lying spirit. I pray that they will not be blinded or deceived, but always be able to clearly understand Your truth. I pray that they will never be able to get away with lying, that all lies will come to light and be exposed. If they lie, may they be so extremely miserable that they have to confess it and live with the consequence that comes from it. Help me to be a good example of how not giving into lies can help improve one's life. Your Word says that "whom He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13) I pray that You, Spirit of truth will guide each of these children into all truth. May they never be people who gives place to lies, but rather people of integrity who follow hard after the Spirit of truth. I release them into Your hands this day.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)


Proverbs 12:22 (Amplified Bible)
Lying lips are extremely disgusting and hateful to the Lord, but they who deal faithfully are His delight.

Proverbs 3:3-4 (Amplified Bible)
3)Let not mercy and kindness [shutting out all hatred and selfishness] and truth [shutting out all deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood] forsake you; bind them about your neck, write them upon the tablet of your heart.
4)So shall you find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man.

Psalm 119:28-29 (Amplified Bible)
28)My life dissolves and weeps itself away for heaviness; raise me up and strengthen me according to [the promises of] Your word.
29)Remove from me the way of falsehood and unfaithfulness [to You], and graciously impart Your law to me.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 (Amplified Bible)
9)The coming [of the lawless one, the antichrist] is through the activity and working of Satan and will be attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels--[all of them] lying wonders--
10)And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (going to perdition) because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved.

John 14:15-17 (Amplified Bible)
15)If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.
16)And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever--
17)The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Are You Fresh for Everything?

John 3:3 (Amplified Bible)
3Jesus answered him, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above), he cannot ever see (know, be acquainted with, and experience) the kingdom of God.

Becoming a Christian and being born again is a mysterious thing, there is no mistaking that it comes from God alone, and is surprising as God Himself. It is unknown where it starts and where it ends, its hidden in the depths of ones soul. Being born again from above is an exciting thing, an eternal beginning, and provides a freshness all the time. A freshness in the way one thinks, behaves, lives, and speaks. After becoming a Christian, if one begins to feel "stale", it is a good indication it's time to stop and take a look at where we are in our walk with God. When this happens, it is usually because our walk with God has gotten "out of sync" with Him. We have to stop at times and ask ourselves: "are we still feeling that freshness, or have we become stale?" " Freshness is not the result of obedience; it comes from the Holy Spirit. Obedience keeps us "in the light as He is in the light . . ." (1 John 1:7)."
There are many things in this life that can distract us from God. We must jealously guard our hearts and our relationships with God. Jesus prayed, "I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one [even] as We are one" :John 17:22. We must totally and continually keep ourselves open to God. Ask yourself if your looking to anything or anyone else to give you life and keep you fulfilled. If you are leaning on anything else to give you freshness and strength you will not be able to even realize when God's power has left. When we are born with the Spirit it means more than you could ever imagine. It will lead every area of our lives, gives us clear vision and keeps things fresh in our lives. It is the most amazing thing when we can finally come to the end of ourselves and fully give ourselves over to our Creator, the One who gives us life, and the One who keeps that life going.

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Being the Person God Created

Dear Lord,
I pray that You would pour out Your Spirit upon my children and grand children this day and anoint then for all that You've called them to be and do. Lord, You have said, "Let each one remain with God in that state in which he was called." (I Corinthians 7:24) May it be so for these children according to Your Word, that they will never stray from what You have called them to be and do, or try to be something they are not. Where they have already strayed, I pray Lord that You will bring them back on the right track. That they will confess to You the sins they have done, and give themselves back to You.
Deliver each of them from any evil plan of the devil to rob them of life, to steal away their uniqueness and giftedness, to compromise the path that You've called them to walk, or to destroy the person You created them to be. May each of them not be a follower of anyone but You, but may they be leaders of people into Your kingdom. Help them to grow into a complete understanding of their authority in Jesus, while retaining a submissive and humble spirit. May the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control grow in them daily. (Galatians 5:22) May they each find their identity in You, view themselves as Your instruments, and know that they are complete in You. Give them a vision for their life when setting goals for the future and a sense of purpose about what You've called them to do--from their future and not from their past. May they be convinced that Your thoughts toward them are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give them a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) Teach them to look to You as their hope for the future. May they understand it is You "who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began." (II Timothy 1:9) May each of them commit to being who You created them to be and enable them to grow daily in confidence and Holy Spirit boldness.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
in Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)


1 Peter 2:9 (Amplified Bible)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own [a]purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

1 Corinthians 2:9 (Amplified Bible)
But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].

2 Peter 1:10 (Amplified Bible)
Because of this, brethren, be all the more solicitous and eager to make sure (to ratify, to strengthen, to make steadfast) your calling and election; for if you do this, you will never stumble or fall.

Isaiah 60:1
ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

Romans 8:28-30 (Amplified Bible)
28)We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.
29)For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.
30)And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].

Vision and Darkness

Genesis 15:12 (Amplified Bible)
When the sun was setting, a deep sleep overcame Abram, and a horror (a terror, a shuddering fear) of great darkness assailed and oppressed him.

Many times in life, God will give a Christian a vision, a promise of sorts. When that happens, it is our job to be still and know that He is God, and know that it will all happen in His time. We have to realize that everything does not happen in our time, God's timing most times are not ours, but when it does happen it always is better than when we wanted it to happen. The story of Abram, Sarai and Hagar in Genesis 16 is a great example of what happens when one tries to jump ahead of God and do things on their own time. "Whenever God gives a vision to a Christian, it is as if He puts him in "the shadow of His hand" (Isaiah 49:2). The saint’s duty is to be still and listen." Sometimes when God makes us wait, it is to teach us discipline in an area of our lives. During these times we must be ground ourselves in Him and stay grounded in Him.
(Isaiah 50:10-11--10)Who is among you who [reverently] fears the Lord, who obeys the voice of His Servant, yet who walks in darkness and deep trouble and has no shining splendor [in his heart]? Let him rely on, trust in, and be confident in the name of the Lord, and let him lean upon and be supported by his God.11)Behold, all you [enemies of your own selves] who attempt to kindle your own fires [and work out your own plans of salvation], who surround and gird yourselves with momentary sparks, darts, and firebrands that you set aflame!--walk by the light of your self-made fire and of the sparks that you have kindled [for yourself, if you will]! But this shall you have from My hand: you shall lie down in grief and in torment.)
When God makes us wait we need to discipline ourselves and ask , "do we trust in our own flesh or will we trust in the One who has it all in control?" We need to put ourselves in the hand of the Almighty, the El-Shaddai, Genesis 17:1--WHEN ABRAM was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I am the Almighty God; walk and live habitually before Me and be perfect (blameless, wholehearted, complete). God makes us wait and disciplines us so that we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is real and true. As soon as we grasp this truth and know He is the real and true one, everything and everyone else pales in comparison to Him. If we are completely steadfast and built upon God, nothing that others do or say can ever upset us.

("My Utmost for His Highest"- Oswald Chambers)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Developing a Hunger for the Things of God

Dear Lord,
I pray for my children and my grand children to have an ever-increasing hunger for more of You. May each of them long for Your presence--long to spend time with You in prayer, praise and worship. Give them a desire for the truth of Your Word and a love for laws and Your ways. Teach then to live by faith and be led by the Holy Spirit, having an availability to do what You tell them to do. May they be so aware of the fullness of Your Holy Spirit in them that when they are depleted in any way they will immediately run to You to be renewed and refreshed.
I pray that their hearts will not have any allegiances or diversions away from You, but rather that they would be repulsed by ungodliness and all that is in opposition to You. May a deep reverence and love for You and Your ways color everything they do and every choice they make. Help each of them to understand the consequences of their actions and to know that a life controlled by the flesh will only reap death. May they not be wise in their own eyes, but rather "fear the Lord and depart from evil".(Proverbs 3:7)
I pray that they will be reliable, dependable, responsible, compassionate, sensitive, loving and giving to others. Deliver them from any pride, laziness, slothfulness, selfishness, or lust of the flesh. I pray that each of them will have a teachable and submissive spirit that says "YES" to the things of God and "NO" to the things of the flesh. Strengthen them to stand strong in their convictions.
I pray that each of them will always have a strong desire to be an active member of a Christian church that is alive to the truth of Your Word and the power of Holy Spirit led worship, prayer, and teaching. As they learn to read Your Word, write Your laws in their minds and on their hearts so that they will always walk with a confident assurance of the righteousness of Your commands. As they learn to pray, many they also learn to listen for Your voice. I pray that their relationship with You will never become lukewarm, indifferent, or shallow. May there always be a Holy Spirit fire in each of their hearts and an unwavering desire for the things of God.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from-{"The power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)


Matthew 5:6 (Amplified Bible)
Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!

Proverbs 14:27 (Amplified Bible)
Reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may avoid the snares of death.

Galatians 2:20 (Amplified Bible)
I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Psalm 119:2 (Amplified Bible)
Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are they who keep His testimonies, and who seek, inquire for and of Him and crave Him with the whole heart.

Psalm 86:11-12 (Amplified Bible)
11)Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk and live in Your truth; direct and unite my heart [solely, reverently] to fear and honor Your name.(A)
12)I will confess and praise You, O Lord my God, with my whole (united) heart; and I will glorify Your name forevermore.

"It Is the Lord!"

John 20:28 (Amplified Bible)
Thomas answered Him, My Lord and my God!

Many of us go through life expecting Jesus to fill us, "quench our thirst", when we should be the ones who are striving everyday to satisfy Him!! Jesus told the woman of Samaria, "Give me a drink", (John 4:7- Presently, when a woman of Samaria came along to draw water, Jesus said to her, Give Me a drink.) We should be investing every single aspect of our lives into God and His Kingdom, not waiting for Him to come and fill us. We need to be living, breathing testimonies of what God is all about!! (Acts 1:8- But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.) "That means lives of pure, uncompromising, and unrestrained devotion to the Lord Jesus, which will be satisfying to Him wherever He may send us."
When we are living the lives we should be living for God, we need to be alert to the many things that will come along and compete for our devotion. Believe it or not, one if the many competitors is our service to Jesus. Instead of pouring our lives totally for Him, it is easier to just "serve" Him in an area or two. When we are called by God it should be our ultimate goal to completely satisfy Him in every area of our lives, not simply just serve Him. " We are not sent to do battle for God, but to be used by God in His battles. Are we more devoted to service than we are to Jesus Christ Himself?" This is a question we must all ask ourselves, take the time today to look deep within and see if you are just serving Him, or are you giving Him your all??
(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Attracting Godly Friends and Role Models

Dear Lord,
I lift up my children and my grand children to You, and ask You would bring godly friends and role models into their lives. Give each of them the wisdom they need to choose friends who are godly and help them to never compromise their walk with You in order to gain acceptance. Give me Holy Spirit inspired discernment in how I guide or influence them in the selection of friends. I pray that You would take anyone who is not a godly influence out of their lives or else transform that person into Your likeness. Lord, I can think of a certain person who I would like out of Shakira's life, or change him Lord. Also their are bad influences in Travis' life as well Lord, please remove those who will bring these children down Lord. Your Word says, "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed." (Proverbs 13:20) Don't let these children or grand children be a companion of fools Lord. Enable them to walk with wise friends and not have to experience the destruction that can happen by walking with foolish people. Deliver them from anyone with an ungodly character so they will not learn that person's ways and set a snare for their own souls.
Whenever their is grief over a lost friendship, comfort them and send new friends with whom they can connect, share and be the people that You created them to be. Take away any loneliness or low self-esteem that would cause them to seek out less that God-glorifying relationships. In Jesus' Holy name I pray that You would teach them the meaning of true friendships. Teach them how to be a good friend and how to make strong, close and lasting relationships. May each of their friendships always glorify You.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"- Stormie Omartian)


Proverbs 4:14 (Amplified Bible)
Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.

1 Corinthians 5:11 (Amplified Bible)
But now I write to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of [Christian] brother if he is known to be guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater [whose soul is devoted to any object that usurps the place of God], or is a person with a foul tongue [railing, abusing, reviling, slandering], or is a drunkard or a swindler or a robber. [No] you must not so much as eat with such a person.

Proverbs 24:21-22 (Amplified Bible)
21)My son, [reverently] fear the Lord and the king, and do not associate with those who are given to change [of allegiance, and are revolutionary],
22)For their calamity shall rise suddenly, and who knows the punishment and ruin which both [the Lord and the king] will bring upon [the rebellious]?

Proverbs 22:24-25 (Amplified Bible)
24)Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate,
25)Lest you learn his ways and get yourself into a snare.

Psalm 1:1 (Amplified Bible)
BLESSED (HAPPY, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather.

The Voice of the Nature of God

Isaiah 6:8 (Amplified Bible)
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

When we hear or talk about how God calls us, we often forget the most important aspect of the call; and that is the nature of the one who calls us.The only way to know this call is if we carry the same nature within us of the one who is calling us. There are many, many things in this world that can call us and we need to be in tune with the correct calling. God entwines His call through our lives and only we can distinguish it. God will speak to us over certain things in our lives, and we should keep that between us and God. We should not go to others and seek their opinions on it, but work it out between us and God.
Many get confused because they are too wrapped up in what they think they can do, or what their own interests are, and we will miss the calling of God if we stay wrapped up in our own little bubbles. It is important to come to the end of yourself, truly seek and desire a right relationship with God. Then when we are as Isaiah was, "so attuned to God, because of the great crisis he had just endured, that the call of God penetrated his soul". Most of us can only hear the sound of our own voices, and we miss what God is saying. When we can be brought to the place where we can hear the voice of God, is a place where we are deeply changed.

("My Utmost for His Highest"-Oswald Chambers)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Maintaining Good Family Relationships

Dear Father in Heaven,
I pray for my children and grand children today and their relationship with all family members. Protect and preserve them from any unresolved or permanent breach. Fill each of their hearts with Your love and give them an abundance of compassion and forgiveness that will overflow to each member of the family. Specifically, I pray for a close, happy, loving relationship between each child and their parents and siblings for all the days of their lives. May there always be good communication between them and may unforgiveness have no root in their hearts. Help them to love, value,appreciate, and respect one another so that the God ordained tie between them cannot be broken. I pray according to Your Word, that they "be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another" (Romans 12:10)." Teach each of these children to resolve misunderstandings according to Your Word. Where there is any division Lord, where any relationship is strained or severed I pray that You will drive out the wedge of division and bring healing Lord.You alone know Lord that there has been severe division among my children and my husband, but I also know that You can bring healing to everyone and You can bring them each to true forgiveness so that they can have a close, loving relationship in the future. I pray that there be no strain, breach, misunderstanding, arguing, fighting, or separating of ties. Give them each a heart of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Your Word instructs us to "be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous." (I Peter 3:8) Help each of them to live accordingly, "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:3) I Jesus' Holy name I pray that You would instill a love and compassion in each of these children for all family members that is strong and unending, like a cord that cannot be broken.

I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)

"Weapons of Warfare"

Matthew 5:9 (Amplified Bible)
Blessed (enjoying enviable happiness, spiritually prosperous--with life-joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they shall be called the sons of God!

Psalm 133:1
BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Romans 15:5-6 (Amplified Bible)
5)Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,
6)That together you may [unanimously] with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

Romans 12:18 (Amplified Bible)
If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

1 Corinthians 1:10 (Amplified Bible)
But I urge and entreat you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in perfect harmony and full agreement in what you say, and that there be no dissensions or factions or divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in your common understanding and in your opinions and judgments.

Do You Walk In White?

Romans 6:4 (Amplified Bible)
We were buried therefore with Him by the baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious [power] of the Father, so we too might [habitually] live and behave in newness of life.

Have you been through a "white funeral"? This is the critical moment when one goes from death into life, a resurrection into the life of Jesus Christ. It is a time when one becomes one with God, with the only intention to be a living witness for Him. It is not a moment to be taken flippantly, you must sincerely ask yourself.."have I had my white funeral"? It is a moment when we simply "stop being", dying, and becoming "baptized into His death." (Romans 6:3--Are you ignorant of the fact that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?) Do not deceive yourself into thinking you have had your "white funeral", if you have not. Ask yourself, "Is there a specific day when you can mark as your last day?" There needs to be a moment when you can look back upon with humbleness and complete gratitude, and know that it was at that time that you had your "white funeral". You know for certain that it was at that time, that moment that you made an agreement with God.
(1 Thessalonians 4:3a (Amplified Bible)
For this is the will of God, that you should be consecrated (separated and set apart for pure and holy living)...Once you understand that being sanctified is God's will for your life you can enter into the process very easily. It will become natural for you to do so. " Are you willing to experience that "white funeral" now? Will you agree with Him that this is your last day on earth? The moment of agreement depends on you. "

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Honoring Parents and Resisting Rebellion

Dear Lord,

I pray that You would give my children and grand children a heart that desires to obey You. Put into each one of them a longing to spend time with You, in Your Word and in prayer, listening for Your voice. Shine Your light upon any secret or unseen rebellion that is taking root in their hearts, so it can be identified and destroyed. Lord, I pray that each of them will not give themselves over to pride, selfishness, and rebellion, but that they will be delivered from it. By the authority You have given me in Jesus' name, I "stand against the wiles of the devil" and I resist idolatry, rebellion, stubbornness and disrespect; they will have no part in these children's lives, nor will these children walk a path of destruction and death because of them.
Your Word instructs, " children, obey your parents in all things, for this is pleasing to the Lord". (Colossians 3:20) I pray that You would turn the hearts of these children toward their parents and enable them to honor and obey them so that their lives will be long and good. Turn their hearts toward You so that all they do is pleasing in Your sight. May each of them learn to identify and confront pride and rebellion in themselves and be willing to confess and repent of it. Make each of them so uncomfortable with sin. Help them to know the beauty and simplicity of walking with a sweet and humble spirit in obedience and submission to You.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)

"Weapons of Warfare"

Isaiah 1:19-20 (Amplified Bible)
19)If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;
20)But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

Psalm 107:10-12 (Amplified Bible)
10)Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and in irons,
11)Because they had rebelled against the words of God and spurned the counsel of the Most High.
12)Therefore He bowed down their hearts with hard labor; they stumbled and fell down, and there was none to help.

Proverbs 30:17 (Amplified Bible)
17)The eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out, and the young vultures will devour it.

Proverbs 1:8-9 (Amplified Bible)
8)My son, hear the instruction of your father; reject not nor forsake the teaching of your mother.
9)For they are a [victor's] chaplet (garland) of grace upon your head and chains and pendants [of gold worn by kings] for your neck.

Nehemiah 9:26-27 (Amplified Bible)
26)Yet they were disobedient and rebelled against You and cast Your law behind their back and killed Your prophets who accused and warned them to turn to You again; and they committed great and contemptible blasphemies.
27)Therefore You delivered them into the hand of their enemies, who distressed them. In the time of their suffering when they cried to You, You heard them from heaven, and according to Your abundant mercy You gave them deliverers, who saved them from their enemies.

***PTL!! My husband heard from his brother in Haiti and him and their families are all ok!!! God is good!!! continue prayer for the people of Haiti however....they have a long way to go.*****

Called by God

Isaiah 6:8 (Amplified Bible)
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Many times we hear of someone saying they were "called of God", to do this or that or go somewhere, and we wonder why we are never called. God does not choose a certain few to "call", He calls each and every one of us, but some of us do not hear that call because our spiritual "ears" are too clogged up with junk, and our spiritual attitude sucks beyond measure. Because of this, many are called, but only few are actually chosen. (Matthew 22:14-For many are called (invited and summoned), but few are chosen.)The ones that are chosen are the ones who have come to know Jesus, pursue a relationship with Him and are changing their lives so that their ears and their attitudes are changing, and they are living their lives for the glory of God. God does not force Himself on us, He gives us free will, we hear the voice of God calling to us and not all will answer. We need to be ready when we hear His voice, and in total surrender be ready to say, "Here am I, send me."
Do not for a second, think that God is going to come along and shout at us, or do something to force us into service for Him. He does it gently, leaving it in "our court", without any outside pressure, just gently calling us to a passionate life following Him and His will. If we will just get beyond ourselves and let the Holy Spirit work, we too will come to a place where we will hear Him calling and be ready to say "here am I, send me".

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Establishing an Eternal Future

Dear Lord,

I bring my children and Grand babies before You and ask that You would help them grow into a deep understanding of who You are. Open their hearts and bring then to a full knowledge of the truth about You. Lord, You have said in Your Word, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) I pray for that kind of faith for these children. May each of them call You their Savior, be filled with Your Holy Spirit,acknowledge You in every area of their lives, and choose always to follow You and Your ways. Help them to fully believe that Jesus laid down His life for them so that they might have life eternally and abundantly now. Help them to comprehend the fullness of Your forgiveness so that they will not live in guilt and condemnation.
I pray that each of them will live a fruitful life, ever increasing in the knowledge of You. May they always know Your will, have spiritual understanding, and walk in a manner that is pleasing in Your sight. You have said in Your Word that You will pour out Your Spirit on my offspring (Isaiah 44:3). I pray that You would pour out Your Spirit upon Kayla, Travis, Shakira, Jazmin and Tayshawn.
Thank You Lord that You care about these children's eternal future even more that I do and that it is secure in You. In Jesus' name, I pray that they will not doubt or stray from the path You have from them all the days of their lives.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus Holy name,

(Kandi Pierre)

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"-Stormie Omartian)

"Weapons of Warfare"

John 6:40 (Amplified Bible)
For this is My Father's will and His purpose, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up [from the dead] at the last day.

1 Timothy 2:3-4 (Amplified Bible)
3 )For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior,
4 )Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth.

1 John 5:20 (Amplified Bible)
And we [have seen and] know [positively] that the Son of God has [actually] come to this world and has given us understanding and insight [progressively] to perceive (recognize) and come to know better and more clearly Him Who is true; and we are in Him Who is true--in His Son Jesus Christ (the Messiah). This [Man] is the true God and Life eternal.

1 John 5:11 (Amplified Bible)
And this is that testimony (that evidence): God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

John 14:16-17 (Amplified Bible)
16) And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever--
17) The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you.

Have You Ever Been Alone with God? (2)

Mark 4:10 (Amplified Bible)
And as soon as He was alone, those who were around Him, with the Twelve [apostles], began to ask Him about the parables.

God wants us to have alone time with Him, but in this day and age of hurry, hurry, hurry and "instant" everything, there are many distractions and we have a tendency at times to set our time with God last in our list of things to do. However, it is so important to God that He uses various means to try and get our attention back to Him. He uses things such as disappointments, heartbreak, sickness, temptation, thwarted desires, or perhaps either broken friendships or new friendships. When God finally gets through to us and has us all alone, that is when He begins to show us things and teach us. There are times when God took the 12 alone with Him to teach them and share with them, away from the crowds and distractions, and He does the same with us today. The disciples, as us today, will only be able to fully understand things through the help of the Holy Spirit.
Again, most of the greatest times is when God can get us away from everything and just be alone with Him. We tend to look around and be concerned with those around us, but God is only interested in us looking within ourselves, and beginning to deal with what God reveals to us. It is time we ask we spend real and quality time alone with God? "Jesus cannot teach us anything until we quiet all our intellectual questions and get alone with Him."

(My Utmost for His Highest- Oswald Chambers)

I know that I am guilty of this. There are so many distractions that will try and steal my attention away from God and what He wants me to learn each day. I have come to realize that satan uses all kinds of things to try and make sure we do not get alone time with God. He will use phone calls, text messages, someone showing up at the door, kids needing something right at that moment.....along with many others. I have to discipline myself at times to turn my cell off, TV off, unplug the phone if I have to and just learn to "be still and know that He is God". I have also learned that if I don't get my time each day with day does not go as well as when I do and ohhhhhh what blessings I get from spending time with Him!!

***Please be in prayer for the people in husband has family and friends there and still has not heard any word form them******

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feeling Loved and Accepted

Dear Father,

I pray for Kayla, Travis and Shakira to feel loved and accepted. Penetrate their hearts with Your love right now and help them to fully understand how far reaching and complete it is. Your Word says You loved us so much that You sent Your Son to die for us. (John 3:16) Deliver each of them from any lies of the enemy that may have been planted in their mind to cause them to doubt that. Jesus said, "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in Your love. May they say as David did, "cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, for in You do I trust." (Psalm 143:8) Manifest Your love in my children in a real way today and help them to receive it.
I pray also that You would help me to love these children unconditionally the way that You do, and enable me to show it in a manner they can perceive it. Reveal to me how I can demonstrate and model Your love to them so that it will be clearly understood. I pray that all my family members will love and accept them and may they also find favor with others. With each day that they grow in the confidence of being loved and accepted, release in them the capacity to easily communicate love to others. Enable them to reach out in love in a way that is appropriate. As they come to fully understand the depth of Your love for them and as they receive it into their souls, make them a vessel through which Your love flows to others.
I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

(Prayer and scripture from "The Power of a Praying Parent"- Stormie Omartian)

"Weapons of Warfare"

1 John 4:9-11 (The Message)
God Is Love
7-10My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love—so you can't know him if you don't love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.
11-12My dear, dear friends, if God loved us like this, we certainly ought to love each other. No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us—perfect love!

Deuteronomy 7:6
Do this because you are a people set apart as holy to God, your God. God, your God, chose you out of all the people on Earth for himself as a cherished, personal treasure.

1 John 4:16 (Amplified Bible)
And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 (Amplified Bible)
But we, brethren beloved by the Lord, ought and are obligated [as those who are in debt] to give thanks always to God for you, because God chose you from the beginning [a]as His firstfruits (first converts) for salvation through the sanctifying work of the [Holy] Spirit and [your] belief in (adherence to, trust in, and reliance on) the Truth.

Ephesians 1:3-6 (Amplified Bible)
3May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm!
4Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.
5For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [[a]because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]--
6[So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favor and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

Have You Ever Been Alone with God?

Mark 4:33-34 (The Message)

33-34) With many stories like these, he presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. He was never without a story when he spoke. When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots.

Jesus does not take us aside and explain, or let us know all there is to know all at once. He does this overtime, little by little, as He wants us to stretch ourselves and grow. We can use other's lives as examples, but ultimately God wants each of us to search within ourselves. It is easy to look at others and see everything that is wrong with them or their personalities, but how often we miss all that is wrong with ourselves. We need to "take the plank out of own eye", before we can see clearly. One of the first things we need to do is take the courage to begin the inward look. Jesus will begin to reveal to us what we need to work on or change within ourselves, and then His grace can begin to work.
One of the biggest things that gets in the way of our relationship with both God and others, is our pride. We must first come to realize that we do not understand ourselves, the only one who does is God Himself. God will reveal to us where we are prideful, and where we have set our desires for things that are not of God. He will allow disappointments and heartbreaks to happen in order to show us where our pride lies within ourselves, and where we need to change. God wants to get us to the point where we seek Him above all else, and when we are finally ready to meet with Him alone, He will begin to reveal things to us, and in turn we will finally be able to begin to see things clearly.

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

How true it is that it is so easy to see the faults of others, and how true it is that it is soooooo much harder to see clearly our own faults, especially when pride stand in the way. It is time to get our eyes off others, set our focus on Jesus, ask Him to begin to reveal things to us that needs changing, and truly look deep within to begin to clearly see what and who we truly are. Only when all of this takes place, can we begin to be that which God intended for us to be.

(Kandi Pierre)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Securing Protection from Harm

Dear Lord,

I lift Kayla, Travis and Shakira up to You and ask that You would put a mighty hand of protection around them. Protect their spirit, body, mind, and emotions from any kind of evil or harm. I pray specifically for protection from accidents, disease, injury, or any other physical, mental or emotional abuse. I pray that each of them will make their refuge "in the shadow of Your wings" until "all these calamities have passed by." (Psalm 57:1) Hide them from any kind of evil influences that would come against them. Keep them safe from any hidden dangers and let NO weapon formed against them be able to prosper. Thank You Lord, for Your many promises of protection. Help each of them to walk in Your ways and in obedience to Your will so that they will never come out from the umbrella of Your protection. Keep them safe in all that they do or wherever they may go. I release them into Your hands this day.

I ask this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus' Holy name,

***Things happen when we pray for our children that will not happen if we don't. What might happen, or might not happen, to our children if we don't pray today? let's not wait to find out!!! Let's get on our knees for them now!!

(Prayer, verses and footnote from "The Power of a Praying Parent"- Stormie Omartian)

"Weapons of Warfare"

Psalm 91:1-2 (Amplified Bible)
1)HE WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
2)I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!

Isaiah 43:2 (Amplified Bible)
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.

Isaiah 54:17 (Amplified Bible)
But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord.

Psalm 91:9-10 (Amplified Bible)
9)Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place,10)There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent.

Psalm 4:8 (Amplified Bible)
In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust.

What My Obedience to God Costs Other People

Luke 23:26 (Amplified Bible)
And as they led Him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross and made him carry it behind Jesus.

It is important to obey God, no matter what happens. Many times when we obey God, other people suffer. When we, as Christians, obey God, it is a delightful thing, we love God and we want to do what He says. However, to those who do not care about the things of God, it can cost a great deal and their plans in life can be upset. We could help them, but it would mean being disobedient to God, and therefore, we must let people decide what they will and the consequences of their actions will follow. When we are doing what God would have us do there will always be people around us who are affected, and if they don't like it, we must ask ourselves, are we going to continue to be faithful to what we know God wants of us? or are we going to disobey God in order to make those around us more comfortable? We could ease the situation, but if we disobey God it brings Him much grief, but if we will just stay obedient to God, He will take care of those who have suffered the consequences of our disobedience. Beware of the desire to tell God what consequences you will allow as a condition of your obedience to Him. Our number one priority is that we must always obey God and let Him deal with the rest.

(My Utmost for His Highest- Oswald Chambers)

I have learned in life that obeying God causes some discomfort at times, both to us and to those around us, but I have also learned that when we try to do things our way instead of obeying, it always leads to a major mess of things. If we will just "buck up" when things get rough and obey what we know HE is telling us, things will work out in the end for everyone. We should always be willing to obey when told to do something, never question it, just do it and let the Almighty God work everything and everyone out in His time.

Kandi Pierre

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Releasing my Children into God's Hands

Dear Father,

I come to You tonight in Jesus' name and give Kayla, Travis, and Shakira to You. I'm convinced that You alone know what is best for them. You alone know what each of them needs. I release them to You, to care for and protect, and I commit myself to pray for everything concerning each of then that I can think of, or that You put upon my heart. Teach me how to pray and guide me in what to pray about. Help me not to impose my own will when I'm praying for them, but rather enable me to pray that Your will be done in each of their lives.
Thank You that I was able to partner with You in raising them and that I did not have to do it alone. I'm grateful that I don't have to rely on the world's unreliable and ever-changing methods for child rearing, but that I have had clear directions from Your Word and wisdom as I pray to You for answers.
Thank You Lord, for the precious gift of this child. Because Your Word says that every good gift comes from You. I know that You have given each of my children to me, to care for and to raise. Help me to be able to encourage them and teach them Your ways. even thought they no longer live with me. Show me places where I continue to hang on to them and enable me to release each of them to Your protection, guidance,and counsel. Help me not to live in fear of possible dangers, but in the joy and peace of knowing that You are in control. I rely on You for everything, and this day I trust my children to You and release each of them into Your hands.

I pray this according to Your good and perfect will,
In Jesus Holy name,

(Prayer from "The Power of a Praying Parent". -Stormie Omartian)

"Weapons of Warfare:"

Matthew 7:11 (Amplified Bible)
If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!

Psalm 103:17-18 (Amplified Bible)
17)But the mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting upon those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, and His righteousness is to children's children--
18)To such as keep His covenant [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it] and to those who [earnestly] remember His commandments to do them [imprinting them on their hearts].

Isaiah 65:23 (Amplified Bible)
They shall not labor in vain or bring forth [children] for sudden terror or calamity; for they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.

Psalm 127:3 (Amplified Bible)
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

1 John 3:22 (Amplified Bible)
And we receive from Him whatever we ask, because we [[a]watchfully] obey His orders [observe His suggestions and injunctions, follow His plan for us] and [[b]habitually] practice what is pleasing to Him.

Spiritual Warfare

war·fare (wôr'fâr')

1.) The waging of war against an enemy; armed conflict.

2.) Military operations marked by a specific characteristic: guerrilla warfare; chemical warfare.

3.) A state of disharmony or conflict; strife: constant spousal warfare in the household.

4.) Acts undertaken to destroy or undermine the strength of another: political warfare.


Pastor Mike has started a series on spiritual warfare, which is awesome because it relates to my fast that I have chosen as well. Part of the reason that I am fasting is to do spiritual warfare for my children, who at this point are struggling, each in their own way. I realize they do not fully comprehend the battle that we are in against the enemy of our souls, and as their mom I am going to do what I again to fight the good fight for them and stand in the gaps for them through prayer. I am going to post some of those prayers on here, and I encourage anyone who has children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or any child in their lives to also begin praying daily for them. As I was watching Jentezen Franklin this morning, he spoke of how one should not be surprised if things actually get worse during the fast and troubles abound. He spoke of how when one fasts, it agitates the devil and he may "attack" more. I have already seen him do this in the past week in my youngest daughter's life, but I am not standing down. I am taking the full armor of God and I am prepared to fight, with faith, with my God leading the way!! Satan is after the next generation and he wants nothing more than to destroy my children's lives, but I will fight the good fight and may God have His way within my children;s lives. May they realize who their Savior is, strive to live their lives for Him and serve Him always!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is My Sacrifice Living?

Genesis 22:9 (Amplified Bible)
When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there; then he laid the wood in order and [a]bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar on the wood.(A)
a.Genesis 22:9 Isaac, who was perhaps twenty-five years old (according to the ancient historian Josephus), shared his father's confidence in God's promise. Was not his very existence the result of God keeping His word? (Gen. 17:15-17

Many times as humans we tend to think that all God wants from us is to give up things and become dead to things. It is not that God demands us to just give up things, just for the sake of giving them up, but it is for such a greater purpose! He wants us to be able to identify with His death, so that in doing so we can give up part of ourselves in order to live life to the fullest for His glory and to have that much greater of an impact for His Kingdom!! There is no value to God if we just identify with the death itself, He wants "living" sacrifices, all of us, every part of us in order to be "saved and sanctified through Jesus."( Romans 12:1 (Amplified Bible)I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.)Having this kind of life is what is acceptable and pleasing to God.

(My Utmost for His Highest- Oswald Chambers)

I think that alot of times this kind of thinking is why unbelievers don't want anything to do with Christianity. They tend to think they have to give up too much of themselves or their lives. Believers also let this kind of thinking hold them back at times, but we need to get past this kind of thinking. We need to stop focusing on what we have to give up, and focus on the things that truly matter, which is a life full of life for God, working towards a closer relationship with Him and doing all we can for His Kingdom!!! Life with Jesus is exciting, it doesn't bring us "down", it lifts us up and allows us to do things with God that we may never have imagined!!!
(Kandi Pierre)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Intimate With Jesus

John 14:9 (Amplified Bible)
Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father?

As humans, everyone desires to have a close relationship with someone, yet the one we think of less often of having this close relationship with is Jesus Christ. We tend to desire someone we can see, hear, touch, the physical stuff that will help us along life's journey, yet the one relationship that will never let us down is the one we have the tendency not to take care of as we ought to. Jesus was encouraging Phillip in this verse to come have a closer relationship with Him. When Jesus first began a relationship with the desciples, He gave them the power to get rid of demons and to begin revivals, Luke 10:18-20. But His ultimate desire was to have a close relationship with them as well, "I have called you friends." John 15:15. " True friendship is rare on earth. It means identifying with someone in thought, heart, and spirit. The whole experience of life is designed to enable us to enter into this closest relationship with Jesus Christ." Like the desciples, we are given His blessings and we know His teachings, but do we realy know Him? Jesus loves it when we pursue a relationship with Him.
When we do take the time to seek Him first, and pursue a daily relationship with Him, our lives will begin to produce fruit. Many things begin to take place when we fill our lives with God; we are more at peace, we are less lonely, we never lack for understanding or compassion, and He is always there to listen to us pour ourselves out before Him. Selfishness shows less and less in a person's life who is walking with God, and a peace and strong calmness will show. That individual will not desire to be the spotlight, but their life will show Jesus. This is a gift the Lord gives to those who walk with Him and desire to do His will.

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

A personal, daily relationship with my Heavenly Father is my desire. I long to live for Him, daily dying to self and asking Him to fill me with more and more of Him. I want to serve Him in whatever way He shows me, I give Him all the praise and glory for all things He has done in my life, all the things He is doing right now, even the things I cannot see, and all the things He will do in the future!!

(Kandi Pierre)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Genesis 12:8 (Amplified Bible)
From there he pulled up [his tent pegs] and departed to the mountain on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; and there he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord.

Worship is "giving God the best that He has given you." When God gives us spiritual blessings in our lives, He wants us to turn around and give it back to Him in love, so that He can in turn use it to bless others. If we try and just keep it to ourselves it becomes "spiritual dry rot", like the manna that the people tried to hoard.(Exodus 16:20) God will never allow us to just hold onto a blessing that He has given us and keep it selfishly.
Bethel is the symbol of fellowship with God; Ai is the symbol of the world. Abram "pitched his tent" in between these two places. It is only through deep and intimate times with God that our service to Him in the world will have any value to it. There is nothing right about rushing in and out of worship, or setting aside only certain days to worship and spend time with God. It must be a daily time, no matter how busy and hectic our lives are. We need to learn to "pitch our tents" and allow ourselves quiet time with Him every day of our lives. God wants us to have perfect harmony, (as Jesus did when He was here), with three area: worship, waiting, and work. We need not jump from one to the other, but have harmony between the three at all times. This is something that is learned, through disciplining ourselves, it will not just "happen".

(My Utmost for His Highest-Oswald Chambers)

Our lives get so busy, everything in life is "instant" or hurry hurry hurry. People have forgotten how important it is to spend time with God, and satan makes sure to distract us any way possible. Don't be surprised at all if you sit down to spend time with your Creator and the phone rings, or a friend stops by, or one of your family members needs something. If it is not an emergency then it is important to ignore any and all distractions and just spend time with God, seeking Him out, learning what He has for you that day, just stopping everything and knowing Who He is and who you are in Him. God knows we have things to do, but He wants and expects us to keep things in harmony and to not leave Him out or last in it all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Life of Power to Follow

John 13:36 (Amplified Bible)
Simon Peter said to Him, Lord, where are You going? Jesus answered, You are not able to follow Me now where I am going, but you shall follow Me afterwards.

When Jesus first said to Peter "follow me", (Matthew 4:19), Peter followed with no hesitation, but then after denying Jesus, his spirit broke and when Jesus told him again "follow me", (John 21:19)he then was ready to truly follow Him. The first time Peter followed Jesus it was an external showing, but the second time Peter followed Him, Jesus was asking him to follow fromm the inside out, with his whole being; a complete and total surrender. (John 21:18). The first time, Peter was outwardly excited to follow Jesus, but was still caught up on a whole bunch of personal things in his life which kept him from truly following. The second time, Peter had come to end of himself and therefore could now follow Christ with his whole self, totally building himself through Jesus, ready to accept all He had for him.
We can resolve and try to do everything as much as we want, even with good motive,but it is only when we come to the end of ourselves, and are "invaded" with the Holy Spirit, that things will really begin to change and happen.

(MyUtmost for His Highest-OSwald Chambers)

How many times do we get an idea in our head that we think is right or that we are sure is what God wants us to do? So, we make all the plans and we start out, only to find nothing fits together like we thought it would. Perhaps, this is because we are trying to go out and do things in our own power, not totally surrendering to God. We must come completely to the end of ourselves, where there is nothing left, and then and only then can we be taken over by the Holy Spirit completely, and will be more able to see and do HIS will.